How To Write High-Converting Google Ad Copy for B2B Audiences

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B2B advertising copy best practices guide

How To Write High-Converting Google Ad Copy for B2B Audiences

Having trouble writing persuasive B2B ads?

You’re not alone—the average click-through rate (CTR) across all industries is just 3.17% for Google search ads.

With search ads, you have a tiny window of opportunity and a limited word count to captivate your reader, demonstrate industry expertise, and deliver your value propositions. However, with a solid B2B advertising strategy guiding your campaign, cutting through the noise and generating leads becomes much easier.

This blog covers everything you need to create high-converting ad copy for your B2B audiences.

What Are The Differences Between B2B And B2C Ad Copy?

Fundamentally, marketing strategy can be broken down into two main categories: B2B and B2C. 

  • B2C or “business-to-consumer” refers to a marketing strategy for businesses that sell to individual consumers.  
  • B2B or “business-to-business” refers to a marketing strategy for businesses that sell to… other businesses. 

The differences in the strategy come down to the needs of your audience. With B2C, you’re targeting individuals within a particular demographic, whereas with B2B marketing, you’re targeting specific businesses or departments. 

The key to crafting successful ads lies in how well you understand and speak to them. 

Understanding Your Target Audience

Effective B2B marketing strategies mean knowing who you’re targeting and why. A buyer persona contextualizes your campaign and directs and focuses your message. 

It’s a process that requires research. More information allows you to showcase your product or service's value more effectively.  

When building a buyer persona for your audience, you need to consider a number of factors in order to ensure high lead quality, including:

  • Company size, industry, number of employees, and revenue.
  • Which department or individuals will you be reaching out to? 
  • What problems are they dealing with?
  • How does your solution help them achieve their objectives?
  • Who are the decision-makers?

Generally, B2B audiences are rational decision-makers who carefully evaluate solutions based on how they improve efficiency, boost ROI, and move them closer to their goals. Decisions often depend on many stakeholders from different departments and require validation before a purchase is made.

Why all the fuss?

It comes down to the nature of the solutions. Companies are looking for products and services that enhance their operations. Solutions in the B2B space also tend to be much larger, make significant changes to their business processes, and have longer sales cycles. B2B sales are a big financial and operational commitment.

Adapting to a thorough decision-making process means adjusting your strategy so that it accommodates their needs and pace.   

What Stage of The Buyer’s Journey is Your Audience in?

Not everyone is ready to buy right away. The last thing you want to do is try to push people into taking action before they’re ready. A better approach is to engage them based on where they are in their buyer’s journey. 

a description of the B2B lead's buyer's journey
An Outline of a B2B Lead's Buyer's Journey

A strategy that covers all the bases includes content that delivers value at each stage. This positions your brand as a leader in the space builds trust with prospects, and helps them find the right solution for their needs. 

InterTeam actually has some experience with that. 

Pimly Case Study: Switching From a Bottom of Funnel B2B Strategy to a Top of Funnel B2B Strategy

Pimly is a B2B SaaS company that offers a product information management (PIM) system for small to midsize manufacturing companies. Their Salesforce-native solution consolidates and organizes essential branding content, making it simple for businesses to add changes to their marketing assets across all channels from a single platform. 

During our campaign, we encountered a challenge that underscored the importance of understanding your audience and their stage in the buyer’s journey. We found that some ads weren’t converting well due to an aggressive CTA. Because Pimly’s software is a high-ticket solution with an annual product life cycle, people weren’t necessarily ready to sign up for a demo or meeting right away—which was causing friction.

So, we slowed things down and switched to a lead magnet strategy, offering informative guides in exchange for business emails instead of pushing for immediate demos or meetings. This adjustment led to significantly higher conversion rates, with some ads achieving up to 30%. 

Image of a landing page InterTeam created for Pimly with a 30% conversion rate.
Image of a landing page InterTeam created for Pimly with a 30% conversion rate.

To learn more about our work with Pimly, check out the full case study here.

Pimly Case Study: LinkedIn & Google Ads for Enterprise B2B SaaS

Keyword Research

Using the right keywords is crucial for targeting your ads effectively on Google and Bing. Keywords inform the platforms when to show your ads.

It’s important to consider factors like keyword search volume, CPCs, match types, and negative keywords. Ensuring you’ve set the right match types and are using the right negative keywords has a massive impact on the success of your PPC campaign. 

If you’re not careful, your ads will show for irrelevant searches, and you’ll wind up with a ton of confused users clicking on your ads, which can take a huge chunk out of your ROIs. Proper keyword strategy ensures your ads reach the right audience and drive meaningful engagement.

Want to learn more about keyword match types? Our blog “When to Use Google Ads Keyword Match Types” has everything you need to know. 

While keywords play a crucial role in getting your ads in front of the right people, actually getting them to click depends on your ad copy.

Value-Focused Storytelling

Ultimately, your ad is an attempt to grab people’s attention, captivate, and move them into action.  For a rational B2B audience, that means showing them exactly how your product or service adds value. 

But remember, you’re still dealing with people, so emotions still play a role. Storytelling is crucial for making your ad copy engaging. The key is to weave success stories, case studies, statistics, and data into your PPC ads. Crafting a narrative around your product or service helps build a connection and gets your message across. By blending logic with a touch of emotion, your ads will be both compelling and memorable.

The challenge is covering all these key points with a limited amount of space.

EVERY Word Counts

People are busy, and attention spans are dwindling—deciding whether or not to click on an ad takes seconds. 

This is where knowing exactly who you’re targeting and what the aim of your ads makes all the difference. With ads, there’s really no room for fluff. Being concise will enhance your ad's effectiveness.  

Write Enticing Headlines

Headlines are the first thing potential clients see, so they need to capture attention immediately. Using numbers, statistics, and powerful words that speak to your customer’s pain points is a great way to make your headlines stand out. 

Using the Right CTAs

Once you’ve captured your reader’s attention and piqued their curiosity, it’s time to help them take the next step! Ads are simply phase one of your strategy. Phase two is on your landing page. So don’t waste anybody’s time—tell your reader what to do next. Ensure your CTA is easy to follow and access with clear messaging and a BIG button. A strong, persuasive CTA guides your audience toward the desired action. 

Testing and Optimize

A/B testing is crucial in PPC advertising. By testing different ad variations (headlines, copy, CTAs), you can see which performs best and refine your strategy based on what resonates with your audience. Experiment with different approaches and continuously analyze the results. Testing helps you identify what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to optimize your ad copy for maximum effectiveness.

Crafting High-Converting B2B Ads with Google and Bing

Creating high-converting ads with Google, Bing, or LinkedIn can be quite a challenge. You have limited space and time to capture your audience's attention, pique their curiosity, and persuade them to investigate. 

While it may all seem like a lot, with a solid B2B strategy in place, you’ll be capturing leads in no time! 

If you have any questions about B2B advertising or are looking for some professional assistance with your campaign, we’re happy to help!


What’s the difference between B2B and B2C ad copy?

B2B (business-to-business) ad copy targets businesses, focusing on efficiency, ROI, and goals. B2C (business-to-consumer) ad copy targets individuals, focusing on personal benefits and emotions.

Why is knowing my target audience important for B2B ads?

Understanding your audience helps create ads that resonate, showcasing how your product or service meets their specific needs and solves their problems.

How do I create a buyer persona for my B2B audience?

Consider factors like company size, industry, revenue, target departments, decision-makers, and their pain points. This helps tailor your message to their needs.

What stages are there in the buyer’s journey?

The buyer’s journey has three stages: Awareness (learning about a problem), Consideration (exploring solutions), and Decision (choosing a solution). Tailor your content to each stage.

How can I improve my ad’s CTR?

Use clear, value-driven headlines, incorporate storytelling, and ensure your CTAs are compelling. Also, make every word count—concise and direct messaging works best.

Related B2B Advertising Case Studies

Want to read examples of our Google Ads Optimization process? Check out these case studies from Google Ads Projects we worked on.

Cole Furrh

Founder of InterTeam
& PPC Expert
July 11, 2024

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